From notoes333' gallery.
A Blog about all 'Larger than life' LEGO creations.
He is another Eric Harshbarger creation and is slightly smaler than Archie at 16x scale.
More here
It has an entire chapter related to the building of larger scale bricks including the topics; 'How It's Done', 'What Scales Work and Why' and 'Approximation'. It has step-by-step examples of how to build a few simple bricks and covers 4:1 to 12:1 scales.
You can buy it online at Amazon;
or I noticed it is now available to purchase in the Legoland Parks themselves.
The rest of the book is excellent too and I learnt a lot of good techniques. I also has a wonderful 'Brickopedia' about what parts are avilable and when they were introduced.